Afghanistan flood emergency
© UNHCR Afghanistan

Afghanistan Emergency

Afghan families have been devastated by flooding and urgently need support. Donate now to send crucial aid to people who’ve endured crisis after crisis.

Deadly floods swept through eastern and central Afghanistan on 15 July, killing at least 37 people and affecting hundreds of families.

This comes just weeks after floods devastated communities in northern and western Afghanistan. More than 144,000 people have been affected by natural disasters across the country this year.

UNHCR is on the ground right now, working with partners to deliver essential aid to vulnerable families. But the people of Afghanistan urgently need more help.

Conflict and economic collapse have pushed millions into extreme poverty and hunger, with more than half the population in need of humanitarian assistance. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods are crippling already fragile communities.

Please donate generously to send vital supplies to Afghans in need.

“We don't have anything... We're living in great difficulty. I'm very concerned about the future.”

Said Khanim and her children are staying with neighbours after floodwaters damaged their home in Ghor province, western Afghanistan. Said Khanim's four-year-old daughter, Atifa, was tragically killed in the floods.

Said Khanim with her children outside their home, which was damaged by floods in Ghor province, western Afghanistan, in May 2024
© UNHCR/Caroline Gluck

Afghanistan is facing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises.

Families are struggling to survive without sufficient shelter, food or water. Millions of women and girls are unable to exercise their human rights, including to study and work.

UNHCR will stay and deliver for as long as needed in Afghanistan. Caring teams are identifying the most vulnerable people and providing relief items, cash assistance and counselling. 

With support from generous donors, UNHCR is also empowering Afghan families to rebuild their homes and communities wherever possible.

“Since UNHCR started helping here, people returned gradually and houses got built. My children will live better here.”

Your donation can help Afghans like Mohammad Yunus Safizada, 36, return home and rebuild their communities.

Yunus Safizada cleans solar panels installed in his community in Kunduz province, Afghanistan, with UNHCR support
© UNHCR/Oxygen Empire Media Production
Essential Items

Your gift can provide essential items including tents, blankets, solar lamps and hygiene kits for families who’ve lost everything.

Emergency Shelter

Your gift can provide emergency shelter to protect a family displaced by conflict or natural disaster.

Cash Assistance

Your gift can provide cash assistance to help families buy food and medicine.

Afghanistan Emergency

Your gift can provide vulnerable Afghan families with shelter, clean water and emergency cash.

Children look out from the doorway of a new sustainable home, built with UNHCR support, in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.
© UNHCR/Oxygen Empire Media Production

About Afghanistan Crisis

What is happening in Afghanistan?

Deadly floods swept through eastern and central Afghanistan in July, killing 40 people and affecting hundreds of families.

This is just the latest disaster to hit the country with communities still struggling to rebuild their lives after a series of earthquakes struck Herat Province in October 2023. 

Afghanistan is highly vulnerable to extreme weather and natural disasters and remains unprepared to adapt to the impact of climate change after 40 years of conflict and instability. These ongoing challenges have stretched the resilience of refugees, internally displaced people, and host communities to their limits.

In the last year, over 500,000 people have also returned to Afghanistan after Pakistan announced the repatriation of undocumented foreigners, worsening the country’s severe humanitarian crisis.

Where have displaced Afghans fled to?

Most displacement in Afghanistan has been internal, with natural disaster, conflict and instability forcing people to flee their homes and seek refuge in other parts of the country.  

Outside Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan have generously hosted Afghan refugees for many years and granted them access to health and education.

UNHCR appreciates the generous hospitality neighbouring countries have shown asylum-seekers for over four decades and is calling on all countries to suspend the forced return of Afghan nationals. 

How can I help Afghan refugees?

You can help Afghan refugees fleeing the country and internally displaced people by making a donation. Your gift can provide vulnerable families with essential items such as blankets and solar camps, shelter and cash assistance to help them pay for everyday expenses like food and rent. 

How is aid getting into the country?

By road and by air. Throughout the crisis, UNHCR has continued to get humanitarian supplies into the country through the Pakistan border. When needs increased after August 2021, UNHCR opened a new road route in the north from Uzbekistan.

Is aid reaching the people who need it?

Yes. UNHCR is distributing relief items like cooking sets, blankets and hygiene supplies to Afghan families. Our teams are also providing shelter and cash assistance so the most vulnerable families can purchase their basic needs. These supplies have helped people to survive but competing humanitarian needs means the people of Afghanistan urgently need more help. 

What is UNHCR doing to help?

UNHCR is on the ground assessing the need of flood-affected communities and distributing relief items including blankets, solar lamps and heating appliances.

Our teams are also providing shelter support, cash assistance, protection service, healthcare and legal support for Afghan families in need. 

Where can I access the latest data and reports?

Afghanistan Situation Portal – for the latest updates on the situation overall, including UNHCR situation reports, funding requirements and UNHCR’s support for neighbouring countries taking in refugees from Afghanistan.

*Names changed for protection reasons

Our fundraising impact

The majority of funds raised by Aotearoa New Zealand for UNHCR are directed to UNHCR’s emergency operations, providing the ready funds and resources to respond quickly and effectively in situations of crisis and disaster.

Humanitarian programs